Friday, March 19, 2010


Last night was the 5th night I did not experience restless legs which I have suffered from ALL MY LIFE. As I've gotten older and this gluten problem became apparent I was barely sleeping at all. I could take all the meds I had and I would NOT sleep.

After 4 NAET treatments I have just experienced my 5th night without problems. Actually, because I didn't anticipate this, it sort of crept up on me. This is HUGE. HUGE!

I finished the 25 hour avoidance period for calcium, etc. Then went to dinner with Barb and Rosie (my paid staff) to belatedly celebrate Rosie's birthday.

Again, I slept well last night, No getting up and down all night long. I went to bed, read a few minutes, became too sleepy to continue, turned out the light and was asleep in a short time.

I wish I could adequately express what a miracle this is for me. For YEARS I have dreaded bed time. I'd be dead tired and still be up and down and awake and frustrated nearly all night----every night. Drugs might help me sleep, but I'm so groggy the next day I can't function well.

This is a bonus I didn't really expect. I was figuring if I could get relief from the gluten issue I'd be happy...well delirious.

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