So tomorrow's treatment should be calcium, but I've learned. I've wised up. I'll be an expert NAET consultant when this is over, and people can pay me lots of money to tell them how to prepare ahead. It's like be a boy/girl scout. Think of every eventuality.
No chicken, eggs or feathers (Don't you just love them fried up??)or tetracycline in the works, and I've removed everything I can think of with calcium from the fridge or in the path. It's all stashed in the outside fridge where it will stay until I know if I've passed on the egg treatment and moved on to calcium or still stuck on eggs. I say let's move off this dime and start moving forward.
I have put a can of chicken, some canned veggies and fruit on the table. None of it with either one of the possible offenders. If I have to eat nothing but fruit and veggies for 24 hours that's not so bad. When I've gone in for biopsies I can't eat ANYTHING for two days. This should be a piece of cake--whoops. That's right. No cake--eggs, dairy. Then it should be a cup of tea. No offending substance.
I did have a short email from Kelly who briefly described her gluten experience. Very much like mine. Separate toaster, butter crock, peanut butter/jelly jars, etc.
She says she REALLY DOES eat normally now. And the gluten years are like a faint memory. Oh for some hot, toasted cheese bread!!
Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens at my appointment.
Looking ahead-next week it's metal/minerals. ARGH!!! THIS is going to be a rough one. NO TOUCHING any kind of metal at all. NONE. I must wear gloves and wrap glasses, etc in masking tape/faucets, etc ahead of time.
I have had moments when I've wondered if this hassle is all worth it. Then I remember it is JUST 25 hours of inconvenience a week, so let's put it in perspective Lisa. The rest of my life spending a fortune on gluten free food, calling ahead to find out if I can eat at every luncheon, conference, work shop, social occasion, etc. THAT's inconvenience.
Till tomorrow.
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