I am in the 25 hour period of avoiding all things chicken today. Had my 2nd treatment for eggs, chicken, feathers, tetracycline (in an egg-based solution), etc. I took all of that out of the inside fridge yesterday morning. I forgot the hollandaise sauce (Oh duh!) and had to ask Chuck to carry it outside for me. This may sound extreme to you as it does to me. But, this is treatment protocol and if I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do it right.
At the beginning of my 2nd session I was muscle tested (see 1st blog entry) for the Body Balancing substance used in my last treatment. My arm strength is very strong. The reading (and Pamala) I've done tells me this indicates the treatment was effective. I asked Pamala what that particular vial contains, and she doesn't know. That's the only substance mixture that Dr. Devi Nambudripad keeps confidential.
We discussed my week and I'm told feeling extremely sleepy after especially the first treatment, is typical. The gastrointestinal issues I've continued to experience even after being gluten free for nearly 3 years have resolved as I (this week) eliminated almonds from my diet. I am hoping once I'm done with the treatments I will be cleared of this allergy.
I had a long discussion with Pamala about the gluten/Celiac Disease debate. My confidence in Pamala and the treatments is increased as I see that she has an accurate understanding of Celiac Disease. One does not NEED to be diagnosed to have the disease. Like the truth of God's Word, it's real whether or not I believe it.
If you have visited www.schwarzwc.com you might have seen "Kelly" (real name, by the way) tell her story. Kelly figured out on her own that she was gluten intolerant (She had Celiac Disease). She bought the books-most likely some of which I have (Gluten Free for Dummies, etc) and saw improvement as she avoided ALL gluten. Kelly didn't just avoid it; she eliminated it from her diet and experienced relief. However, like me Kelly continued to have continuing issues that did not resolve. That's the primary reason she went to Pamala for treatments.
Like I did, Kelly reported to Pamala after the first treatment she was sleepy. She tool went to bed and experienced her first really deep, restful sleep in a long time. Pamala told me Kelly reports she still sleeps well. After the first (I think she said) five treatments (Body balance, Eggs and such, Calcium, Vit C, B Complex) Kelly began to experiment with small amounts of gluten with no negative effects. An explanation is that it is thought that the "gluten intolerance" is actually an allergy to the substance IN the protein of the grain (B vitamins, etc). Though Kelly seemed to be having good results, Pamala asked her to stop consuming gluten at all until after the grain treatment (#11 of 15). Kelly consumed no more gluten until 25 hours after that treatment with coincidentally was Kelly's birthday. She went to dinner that evening and ordered what she wanted with NO restrictions. If she was anything like me she was excited, but nervous thinking, "What am I doing?????"
Kelly had NO adverse consequences and continues to eat normally without a problem. I got a laugh out of Kelly's idea to donate her "gluten free/Celiac Disease" books after writing in each one, "I had NAET treatments and no longer need this book." LOL!!
So---back to treatment #2. The treatment was the same as #1. Muscle testing. I'm not allergic to eggs and it wasn't on my test outcome list as a personal offender; however, I still experienced a weakening in my arm. In my initial entry I forgot to mention that at one point during the treatment with the little mix master machine I hold the vial to my forehead and touch the pad of my thumb to the pad of third/ring finger. Not sure about the reason for that. I will ask.
Last night I was hungry by the time I ate dinner (Steak, baked potato, corn salad), but became full quickly. Again, I became VERY sleepy. I usually read before going to sleep, but didn't again last night. I turned out the light before 9:30 and I was out. AS an aside I have suffered from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) for years, and in the past 4-5 years it's gotten so bad I've often been up all night. The past week I've had only minor issues on a nightly basis, but last night NOTHING. Not one little twitch. This alone is worth every penny of the cost of the treatments if I get rid of this problem. I tried medication when I hardly slept at all just before I was diagnosed with Celiac. The medication caused my legs to move constantly even during the day when I would sit for any length of time. I got rid of that stuff as soon as I could lower the dose each day for about 10 days until I was off it.
So, I slept deeply and soundly last night and woke rested. Had my usual yogurt and gluten free granola with coffee for breakfast. Took the reg vitamins and supplements. In addition my seasonal allergies have been REALLY bad this week, so I took meds (Sudafed & Claritin) for that both last night and this morning.
Since avoidance of laundry and other typical Sat chores is not required, I'm off to throw in a load of clothes and get some things done around the house. I haven't thought about dinner yet, but have cottage cheese and pineapple ready for lunch.
Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful weekend!
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