Sunday, October 10, 2010

Follow up from grain/calcium treatment and enzyme discussion

The appointment with Pamala went well last week...I think. Muscle test for grain/calcium was strong.

We discussed enzymes and I came away with #12 based on some physical observations she made that indicate a weakness in the gut. Not big news there.

I chose to take time off from the grain treatments to concentrate on Almonds. The muscle test was actually pretty funny. I had absolutely NO strength. I was treated and afterward the muscle was quite strong. I stayed totally away from almonds until this morning when, instead of picking every last one out of my favorite gluten free granola, I at them all. So far today NO reaction at all. Usually, I'd begin to have some gut distress and "issues." Nothing. I'll be happy about that if I can now have the freedom to enjoy almonds.

I'm taking the enzymes with every meal. I'm to check in by phone with Pamala after a week to let her know if I've had some RLS relief. No problems last night.
Next appointment is October 21.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Back for one more round...or whatever...

In the past months I've had a couple of bouts of insomnia that pushed me toward the edge. As I've communicated in the past, my job and life is extremely stressful. Without adequate sleep I'm toast.

I've discussed this with my Natural Practitioner and her opinion is that I've given up too soon. She and another man from New York with whom I've become acquainted through Facebook, agree that combination testing/treatments are in order. John Crandall told me he had one patient he treated every week for three (3) years with the basic 15 and then with combinations before she was able to resume a normal diet. Let's see...52 x $50 a treatment= $7800. That's a lot of time and money. Although, I guess worth it IF I could get a guarantee. There's only one guarantee of I know in life and that is that God is in control and I can trust Him.

I still have quite a lot of trouble with Restless Leg Syndrome too. Enough that it keeps me from sleeping well too often. At this point that's been pretty much the focus for my return treatments. I'm taking digestive enzymes and doing some exercises for about a month. I don't see any improvement, but the exercises have helped me to have more flexibility. That's good.

I've had a couple of combination treatments. Grain and egg/chicken mix; grain and calcium mix and if I remember a grain and sugar mix. After the last treatment I didn't have a retest. I had an appointment that somehow didn't make it on the appointment records, so I rescheduled. Then I got to thinking about the cost of the enzymes (NOT cheap!) and the family budget. So, I cancelled all appts for a month while I tried the enzymes. I've been faithful to take them 3 times a day as directed with no improvement with RLS.

Tomorrow at my appointment we will discuss this and more. I've not sure where I'm going to go from here. Pamala has been more than fair and offered treatments at a reduced rate which has been very welcome. Chuck is hesitant for me to continue treatments when I haven't achieved any real appreciable/major results. When I sleep I sleep well, but there are nights that it seems no matter what I do the RSL just won't go away. This week I've had a couple of those nights and I'm whipped.

I used to get little cracks from blisters in the corners of my mouth all the time even when, as far as I knew I was gluten free. I haven't experienced that for several months. That IS a relief as they are quite painful.

I'm going to resume posting for awhile to keep a record of all that goes on. For now I'll record that the enzymes I take are Enzyme Solutions Formula # 11 three times per day along with Private Label (Distributed by Enzyme Formulations, Inc) Pro-NH3-3 capsules, 3 times per day. Both at any time. I take in the morning, mid afternoon and in the late evening.
I'm also taking as needed Enzymatic Gluten-Ease. I take 2-3 whenever I eat out if there is a risk what I'm eating may not be totally safe. I can't eat something like bread or other heavy gluten food and not have a reaction if I take these, but I am not having periodic issues as I have all along.

One very positive thing is that there are LOTS more good gluten free choices than just a few years ago. I've been introduced to Katz Gluten Free out of New York. Their products are excellent. Again it's expensive especially with shipping.

My local store is beginning to carry a considerably larger selection of gluten free products. It's easier. I'd still prefer to be able to eat normally.