Thursday, June 3, 2010

Go for broke

I had a grain laser treatment on Tuesday. Muscle test before treatment was VERY strong. Reading after laser treatment strong.

Today I decided to try something with gluten and see what happens. I was walking to my hair appt when I spotted Martha Green's bakery. I decided if I get sick I might as well get sick on something I like. I got a small eclair. (Pastry with custard filling and dark chocolate glaze.)

I ate part of it before my appt and the rest after. Result? Not sure. I have been very tired this week due to a lot of things. After I ate the eclair my lips seemed to burn a little for a while. Gone now two hours later. No gut burn or pain, but I do have a feeling of fullness-kinda like something didn't settle right. Don't know if that's because I ate the whole thing and then had dinner (didn't eat much) or if I am experiencing some gastro distress. Not sure where to go from here, and not sure what this means for me.

I did take enzymes (formula 32) I am trying, so don't know if that played into any of this.

I guess I'll try something tomorrow and see what happens.

Frankly, I am feeling pretty down right about now. I was really hoping I'd have a "no-doubt I am ok" response. Instead it's iffy. I am really sick of the restrictions of being gluten free and the problems and distress that I experience with almost everything I eat anywhere I go unless I stay home. I am tired of paying through the nose for a package of something that is full of extra fat and sugar that add calories because most gluten free baked goods are made with flours that have little flavor/nutrition.

So right now I am in a funk. I'm tired from a rough couple of weeks and disappointed that the treatment results are not more conclusive.

That's all I'm saying right now.

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