I had three (2) NAET treatments for grain mix and one (1) laser treatment for grain.
For the last month or so I've eaten a number of foods that contain gluten. I've had various results.Some foods I didn't seem to have any symptoms at all. With some I had burning around my mouth and the start of blisters in the corners of my mouth. I was able to take communion on the first Sunday of June with no enzymes and had no problems. Still, the burning around my mouth and occasional uncomfortable feeling in my gut seemed to me to be an indication that all was not well. I thought though if that was the worst of it, and I could be assured of no internal damage, I'd be OK with those minor symptoms if I wanted to enjoy something that contained gluten.
The main thing that has had me concerned is possible internal damage of which I'm not aware until I get really sick. One experience of that was enough thank you very much. What I went through before being diagnosed and beginning a gluten free diet was misery.
Last week for the first time in three years I had a canker sore in my mouth. I grew up having canker sores so severe my mom took me to the Doctor. We tried various vitamins, etc. Nothing helped.
When I first realized something was really wrong, I had gone through several months of extreme personal stress. I had blisters on my lips and what I thought at first where severe, multiple canker sores. After numerous trips to the Dr and urgent care I realized what I had were blisters that sort of ran together and my mouth was like one large open blister. Not really a canker sore. I have several bouts of these before a PA thought to run a blood panel to test for Celiac.
Since going gluten free in July 2007 I have not had one canker sore. I've had minor lip blisters when I have ingested gluten by accident.
So when I got a canker sore I took that as a sign of trouble. Still, though I wasn't too alarmed.
I had dinner last night with Barbara who works for me at Red Lobster and decided to try a cheese biscuit. Before I ate I took enzymes including one formulated for gluten intolerance--meant to be sort of a safety net when I am not eating at home and ingredients are doubtful. Within an hour I became very ill with gut issues and pain that lasted all evening. I couldn't have eaten anything else if I'd wanted to. I'm better today, but there is still some lingering gut distress.
So, that's it. I am convinced that for whatever reason the treatments did not work to eliminate the gluten intolerance. Yes, I am very disappointed. I had so hoped I could buy and eat normal food. Obviously this is not to be.
However, I did achieve benefits I had not counted on. Since February since I began NAET treatments I've slept better than any time in my life. Also have not had to take antacids as I did--two, three or more a day. I think I deal with stress better and overall have a feeling of well being.
This, of course does not discount stressful personal and professional situations. My life is full of stress and it affects me a lot, but I do thing I am more balanced. Probably partly to do with NAET treatments and partly that since the beginning of the year I have turned my expectations of people and what I had hoped my life would be over to the Lord. I want Him to control my emotions. Because in certain situations I have learned I can't expect too much, I am not as angry and frustrated at the situation or the person.
Anyway, I guess that's it. I've been praying God would make it clear to me what I needed to do, and I think this is my answer. Too bad. I've enjoyed eating some things I haven't been able to have in a long while.
The good thing is that gluten free foods are improving (Huge improvement in just three years!!) and more available.
It could be worse. I could have cancer or a disease for which I need invasive treatments or surgery. I think the suggestion, "Count your blessings" is in order here.